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Feb 3, 2013

Aaloo aur Palak (potato and spinach) kay Parathay by Chef Samina

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You can make 14 to 16 triangular parathas from the quantity given


Potatoes 250 grams

Butter 2 tbsp

Palak one bunch

Green Chillies 2 to 3 chopped

Salt 1 tsp

Fresh coriander leaves as required

For Paratha

Flour 2 cups

Maida flour 1 cup

Oil 2 tbsp

Salt as required



1.Boil the potatoes and mash them.



2. Prepara the dough for paratha


3. Cut palak into strips.

4. Heat butter on stove and add sliced green chillies to it.


5. Add salt to spinach and keep on frying till the palak softens .


6. Once the palak softens close the stove and allow it to cool.


7. Once palak cools down mix it with potatoes and check if the salt is fine.


8. Now make a roti and place the filling in the center.


9. Now fold it as you prefer, i like the triangular shape.



10. Now cook it with as much oil you require. I avoid too much oil.


11. Here is the result of my effort.





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Appetizers · Breakfast · Dinner · Lunch · Recipes · Sehri · Vegetarian

Comments to Aaloo aur Palak (potato and spinach) kay Parathay by Chef Samina

  • Easy to make and hard resist ! Thanks for recipe 🙂

    farhat February 12, 2013 7:54 pm
    • so true… thanx for appreciating… i made aaloo mattar paratha today… will upload soon.

      Somaira Khatri February 13, 2013 3:55 pm