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Feb 17, 2013
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Can you help with your child’s creativity like Addison Heath’s (Kidpreneur) parents?

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To consider and respect your child is one thing but to value their creativity and innovations is a step ahead. I read a lot on how to improve myself as a parent and to harness that knowledge in the form of blogging is my coveted goal. It is truely said by Dr Kevin Leman in her book “Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours” that “Children are like wet cements. There’s precious little time when you can mold them into responsible, loving people. What you do in that time shapes them for the rest of their lives.”

I came accross this very interesting article where Addison Heath being a ten year old boy from Australia not only makes different models using Lego products but also runs a home based business of it.. My actual inspiration were his parents who took keen interest in his creations and helped him monetize the effort. Read excerpt from the article below to know how it was achieved.

Addison Heath


Shuan Campbell who wrote this interesting article “Ten-year-old Lower Templestowe Boy’s Lego-inspired Online Business Taking off” said

KIDPRENEUR Addison Heath is building a Lego-inspired business empire from his own bedroom.   

The Lower Templestowe 10-year-old’s venture Brick Fiction –  which sells greeting cards, T-shirts, posters and prints adorned with his creations –  is making waves in the online retail world.

Addison’s mother Carol, who photographs his work to place on the products, said her son’s website was becoming increasingly popular, with a customer forking out about $500 in the one purchase only last week.

Mrs Heath said his works had garnered plenty of interest at BrickVention, Australia’s largest Lego event, in January.

Now how are we different from Addison’s parents? Simply by receding ourselves when our child is busy with something of their interest. We often forget that doing homeworks and lessons are important but letting out your child’s inner potential by the use of their imaginations is equally mandatory.

If you are concerned about your child’s inner potential then Implement these steps:

1 First limit their time on TV and On Screen Entertainment (Ipads, Playstations etc) and see what they opt for.

Your restriction might make them bored initially, but dont give up as this is when they would use their brain and look around for unstructured things in the house, of their interest. Hence help them with the options available to create ideas to form those structures that may excite them. When my 4 year old is not using On Screen Entertainment he is drawing vehicles on the white board.

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2 Provide them with resources to broaden their imagination.

If they show keen interest in any activity allow them to enhance their skills by taking proper classes, show them videos to work on their skill and allow them to participate whereever possible. My husband takes my son to car showrooms to enhance his knowledge. Our son observes the new editions with keen interest. It may be boring for us but remember your child is not an adult, for him everything is a positive experience. He may not be able to give exact details of his excitement, but there are images being formed in his brain that may help him with his skills accordingly.

3 Appreciate their efforts by focusing on input not the outcome.

Dont expect them to be a perfectionist. We went through the same. Let them enjoy their achievement and just listen to what they have to say. Sometimes kids just want us to listen so be it without interfering.

4 Let creativity time be a daily practice as time spent on creativy is time well bestowed.

If your child has really opted for something thats not harmful in any way then mutually decide when would be the right time to work on it. Give them space and respect their values while they are exploring their capabilities.

In the end i would suggest you to read and explain this quote by Mary Lou Cook to your kids that “Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun”. So team up together in this never ending process and enjoy.


(Reference for the above image and the excerpt of the article: ” Shaun Campbell. “Ten-year-old Lower Templestowe Boy’s Lego-inspired Online Business Taking off.” Herald Sun Leader Community Newspapers, 15 Feb. 2013. Web”)

To visit Addison Heath’s website


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