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Apr 24, 2018
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Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Command Verbs

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“Command Verbs” Printable Worksheets

These Grade 4 English resources and worksheets have answers also given in the downloadable links below.

Command Verbs

Verbs are action words. They show any form of action. Words such as hold, stop, go, follow and many more. There are a specific type of verbs known as command verbs or imperative verbs. These verbs are used to give commands. When used correctly these verbs sound like you are bossing someone around.


Give me that book.

Don’t touch that hot stove!

Take the dog for a walk.

Think about writing an imperative sentence. The action word in the imperative sentence is a command verb. Make sure you use the root form of the verb to make it imperative. Think of it as the difference between someone sitting and telling someone to sit. The second option is the imperative or command form.

Command verbs may sound as if you are bossing someone around, but when used they do not have to be mean or rude. A sentence such as ‘Please take out the trash’ is still imperative as it is giving a demand and using a command verb, but is tempered with something such as please so it does not come across as harsh.

There are actually four ways to use command verbs. These include as an order, as instructions, as advice, or as invitations.

Order: Come over here immediately!

Instruction: First peel the potatoes, then boil them in water.

Advice: Do not go out after dark alone, it can be dangerous.

Invitation: Sit down and try the cake, it is delicious.

Practice using and determining the appropriate command verb to use in the related worksheets.

 Command Verbs Printable Worksheets

Explanation of the topic

Worksheet 1 Command Verbs Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 1 with answers

Worksheet 2 Command Verbs Printable Worksheets

Worksheet 2 with answers

Worksheet 3
 Command Verbs Printable Worksheets Worksheets

Worksheet 3 with answers

Worksheet 4
 Command Verbs Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 4 with answers

Worksheet 5
 Command Verbs Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 5 with answers

Worksheet 6
 Command Verbs Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 6 with answers

Worksheet 7
 Command Verbs Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 7 with answers

Worksheet 8
 Command Verbs Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 8 with answers

Worksheet 9
 Command Verbs Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 9 with answers

Worksheet 10
 Command Verbs Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 10 with answers

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