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Mar 16, 2018
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Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Present Continuous Tenses

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“Present Continuous Tenses” Printable Worksheets

These Grade 4 English resources and worksheets have answers also given in the downloadable links below.

Present Continuous Tense

Present continuous tense expresses a continued or an on-going action of the present. It also expresses unfinished or temporary actions that are happening right now (at the exact moment of speaking). Present continuous tense is also known as progressive tense because it describes actions which are currently in progress at the time of speaking. Present continuous tense is formed by adding “ing” to the base form of a verb, e.g. eat + ing = eating.

Examples of Present Continuous Tense:

I am watching an interesting movie.

We are going on vacation.

She is building a new empire (all these are actions that are happening at the time of speaking).

 Present Continuous Tenses Printable Worksheets

Explanation of the topic

Worksheet 1 Present Continuous Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 1 with answers

Worksheet 2 Present Continuous Tenses Printable Worksheets

Worksheet 2 with answers

Worksheet 3
 Present Continuous Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheets

Worksheet 3 with answers

Worksheet 4
 Present Continuous Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 4 with answers

Worksheet 5
 Present Continuous Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 5 with answers

Worksheet 6
 Present Continuous Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 6 with answers

Worksheet 7
 Present Continuous Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 7 with answers

Worksheet 8
 Present Continuous Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 8 with answers

Worksheet 9
 Present Continuous Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 9 with answers

Worksheet 10
 Present Continuous Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 10 with answers

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