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Nov 15, 2018
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Grade 5 Creative Writing Prompt “Celebration” with sample answers

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These Grade 5 Grammar and Creative Writing Worksheets are for understanding and practice purpose.


Writing Prompt: On a piece of paper, write about an event that led to a celebration.

Writing prompts may instruct you to write about fiction or nonfiction. If the prompt does not specify, feel free to make up a story or draw from personal experience. In this prompt, either is fine.

Before you begin writing, you’ll need to brainstorm ideas for your story. Think: What was the event you wrote about? How did you or the characters celebrate this event? How did people feel during the celebration? Who went to the event and/or celebration? There are many different answers to each of these questions, so your story should be unique.

Take a look at the two sample answers provided in response to the given writing prompt. Sample answer number one is a story about a wedding. The couple celebrated with their families and friends at a party after the wedding. Everyone there was happy and excited for the new married couple.

In sample answer number two, a little girl wrote about her big sister graduating high school. To celebrate, she and the family went out to a special dinner. The whole family was happy for and proud of her.

Sample Answer #1

Once upon a time, there was a couple, Baily and Brandon. The two of them have been together for five years. One day, Brandon asked Baily to marry her, and she said yes. They planned and had a wedding. After their wedding, they celebrated their new marriage by having a party. Their families and best friends went to the party. Everyone had dinner together and danced at the party in celebration.

The celebration party lasted all night, and everyone there was happy and excited for the newly married couple. Even Baily and Brandon were super happy and excited. Everyone had a lot of fun at the wedding party.

After the celebration party, everyone left, but Baily and Brandon were still very happy. They lived a very long and happy life together. The End.

Example story #1

Question 1 In your story, what was the event that led to a celebration?
Answer: The event in my story that led to a celebration was two people getting married.

Question 2: In your story, how did you or the characters celebrate the event?
Answer: They celebrated with a party after they got married where they had dinner and danced with everyone.

Question 3: In your story, how did everyone feel at the celebration?
Answer: Everyone felt very happy and excited.

Question 4 In your story, who went to the celebration, and who was it for?
Answer: The celebration was for the two people who got married. Their families and best friends went to the celebration.

Question 5 Did you write about a celebration event that happened to you or someone you know or is it a story about a celebration you made up?
Answer: I made up this story about two people celebrating their marriage.

Question 6 What is one thing you have done that has led to a celebration? What did you do or get for it?
Answer: I got all A’s on my last report card, and I got to go buy a new toy for it.

Sample Answer #2

My big sister used to be in high school. Recently, she finished high school and had a graduation. She worked hard in high school and made good grades, so she got to graduate. I watched her walk across a stage with other students to get her diploma. It was a proud moment for me and my mom and dad.

After she graduated, we all decided we should go celebrate her accomplishment. We all got dressed up and went out together to her favorite restaurant for dinner. It was me, my sister, and my mom and dad. The people at the restaurant even decorated the table for her graduation dinner. We got appetizers, yummy entres, and even got to get dessert for the special occasion.

I was happy for my sister. She did a good job graduating high school. My mom and dad were also happy for her. They were also very proud of her and kept telling her all night.

Example story #2

Question 1. In your story, what was the event that led to a celebration?
Answer: I wrote about my sister graduating high school.

Question 2. In your story, how did you or the characters celebrate the event?
Answer: We celebrated the event by going out to a special dinner at her favorite restaurant.

Question 3. In your story, how did everyone feel at the celebration?
Answer: Everyone was happy for and proud of my sister.

Question 4. In your story, who went to the celebration, and who was it for?
Answer: Me, my sister, and my mom and dad went to the celebration dinner. It was for my sister.

Question 5. Did you write about a celebration event that happened to you or someone you know or is it a story about a celebration you made up?
Answer: I wrote about a celebration event that happened to me and my family.

Question 6. What is one thing you have done that has led to a celebration? What did you do or get for it?
Answer: I scored the winning goal at my last soccer game, and I got to go out for ice cream after for it.

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