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Nov 20, 2018
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Grade 5 Creative Writing Prompt “Dialogue” with sample answers

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These Grade 5 Grammar and Creative Writing Worksheets are for understanding and practice purpose.


Writing Prompt: On a piece, write a story that includes a conversation between at least two characters.

Writing prompts may instruct you to write about fiction or nonfiction. If the prompt does not specify, feel free to make up a story or draw from personal experience. In this prompt, either will work.

Before you begin writing, you’ll need to brainstorm ideas for your story. Think: Who will be your characters? What will they be talking about? There are many different answers to each of these questions, so your story should be unique.

Take a look at the two sample answers provided in response to the given writing prompt. Sample answer number one is a story with dialogue between two sisters, Bella and Cassie. They are playing dress up together and talking about their activities.

In sample answer number two, the author writes a story with dialogue from an encounter with his mom and brother before school one day. They talk about getting ready for school.

Sample Answer #1

“Bella, do you want to play a game with me?” asks her twin sister Cassie.

“Yeah, that sounds like fun!” exclaimed Bella. “Do you want to play dress up? We can pretend we’re princesses.”
“Yeah, let go play.”

Bella and Cassie went to the playroom together where they found a box of dress up clothes including dresses, skirts, tiaras, and shoes. Bella put on a pink dress and then handed Cassie a purple one.

“Here,” Bella said to Cassie, “I think this one will look really pretty on you.”

“Thanks!” Cassie got dressed and then said, “Now we need tiaras and shoes. We won’t look like princesses without the tiaras.”

“Of course!” shouted Bella. She ran over to the box and pulled out two tiaras. One had pink jewels and the other had purple jewels. “Which one do you want?” she asked.

“I want the purple one so it can match my dress,” said Cassie.

“Here you go!” Bella said, handing her the tiara before putting on her own. Then, the two of them played the rest of the night as princesses. 

Example story #1

Question 1) In your story, who are your characters speaking in your story?
Answer: The characters are Bella and Cassie who are twin sisters.

Question 2) In your story, what are your characters talking about?
Answer: Bella and Cassie are talking about dressing up as princesses.

Question 3) What is another word for dialogue?
Answer: Discussion.

Question 4) What is missing from the following line of dialogue?
Hi, my name is Elsa. How are you today?
Answer: Quotation marks are missing.

Question 5) Did you write a story with dialogue that was based on a real event or did you make your story up?
Answer: I wrote a story that I made up.

Question 6) What form of punctuation is needed to indicate dialogue?
Answer: Quotation marks.

Sample Answer #2

“Andy!” Andy’s mom shouted from downstairs. “Five more minutes until the bus gets here. Are you almost ready?”

Andy was brushing his teeth. “Almost!” he shouted in reply with a mouth full of toothpaste.

A minute later, his mom came up to his room with a plate in her hand. “Here,” she said, “Hurry up and eat this. I don’t want you going to school on an empty stomach.”

“Cool, thanks,” said Andy, taking the muffin.

“Do you have your homework?” his mom asked.

“Yup, it’s in my backpack.”

“Do you have your backpack?”

“Yes, mom. It’s downstairs.”

“Okay, I’m just making sure. Don’t forget I’ll be home a little late tonight, but I’ll bring home dinner so don’t eat.”

“Thanks, mom,” Andy said, swinging his backpack over his shoulder. “Anything else?”

“Have a good day.” His mom kissed his cheek. Then, Andy walked out the front door just in time for the bus to pull up.

Example story #2

Question 1) In your story, who are your characters speaking in your story?
Answer: The characters speaking in my story are Andy and his mom.

Question 2) In your story, what are your characters talking about?
Answer: Andy and his mom are talking about getting ready for school in the morning.

Question 3) What is another word for dialogue?
Answer: Conversation.

Question 4) What is missing from the following line of dialogue?
Hi, my name is Elsa. How are you today?
Answer: Quotation marks are missing.

Question 5) Did you write a story with dialogue that was based on a real event or did you make your story up?
Answer: I wrote dialogue based on a true event that happened to my brother and our mom.

Question 6) What form of punctuation is needed to indicate dialogue?
Answer: Quotation marks.

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