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Nov 22, 2018
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Grade 5 Creative Writing Prompt “Fiction” with sample answers

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These Grade 5 Grammar and Creative Writing Worksheets are for understanding and practice purpose.


Writing Prompt: On a piece of paper, write a made-up story that takes place underwater.

Writing prompts may instruct you to write about fiction or nonfiction. If the prompt does not specify, feel free to make up a story or draw from personal experience. In this prompt, please write about a made-up story.

Before you begin writing, you’ll need to brainstorm ideas for your story. Think: What will be the main point or storyline of the made-up story? How will your story start and end? This is a made-up story, and you are free to write about any wild idea that comes to you. There are many different answers to each of the above questions, so your story should be unique.

Take a look at the two sample answers provided in response to the given writing prompt. Sample answer number one is a story about a mermaid and a dragon who are best friends. The mermaid always lives in the water, but the dragon does not. Whenever he visits his mermaid friend, he has to wear an air tank to breathe.

In sample answer number two, a young boy moves to an underwater town with his mom and dad where he has to attend a new school, live in a new house, and make new friends.

Sample Answer #1

Once upon a time, there was a mermaid, named Mermaid, and a dragon, named Dragon. They were best friends. Mermaid lived underwater, but Dragon lived on land. They took turns visiting each other.

One day, it was Dragon’s turn to visit Mermaid. He had to put on a special air tank so he could breathe while he was underwater. The air tank gave him two hours of oxygen, so he had to make sure he was back on land before his air ran out.

“Hi, Mermaid,” Dragon said as he met her underwater at the playground. “How are you today?”

“I’m great, Dragon. Thanks for asking. How are you?”

“Good,” he replied. “Are you ready to have a great best friends day today?”

“Absolutely!” Mermaid exclaimed.

Then, the two of them played together on the playground. They pushed each other on the swings and took turns on the slide.

“Are you ready to go to the museum?” Mermaid asked Dragon.

“Yeah. What museum is it that we’re going to again?”

“The Museum of Mythical Creatures. We’re going to get to learn about and see statues of humans, cats, and more. I’m so excited.”

“Me too!” shouted Dragon, excited.

The two of them went together to the museum and learned all about the mythical creatures. After a while, Dragon looked at his watch.

“Oh, no,” he said. “My two hours of air is almost out. I need to get going now.”

Mermaid helped him swim back to land. Dragon made it with just one minute of air to spare.

“Thanks, Mermaid. I’ll see you tomorrow on land. We can go to the planetarium!”

“Sounds like a great adventure!” Mermaid smiled and hugged her friend.

Then, the two of them went their separate ways, knowing it wouldn’t be long before they saw each other again. 

Example story #1

Question 1) What is your fictional story about?
Answer: My story is about a mermaid and a dragon who are best friends and have adventures together underwater.

Question 2) Who are the characters in your story?
Answer: The characters in my story are a mermaid, named Mermaid, and a dragon, named Dragon.

Question 3) Are there specific settings underwater where your story is set? If so, where?
Answer: Yes, my story takes place underwater at a playground and a museum.

Question 4) Is there one thing about your story that you could change to make it true?
Answer: I can’t think of just one thing that could make my story true, but if you change the characters to people and the setting from underwater to land, then it could possibly be a true story.

Question 5) In your own words, please describe your understanding of the difference between fiction and nonfiction.
Answer: Fiction is not real and nonfiction is real.

Question 6) True or false. A biography is an example of a piece of fiction.
Answer: False.

Sample Answer #2

“We’re moving underwater.” Those were the exact words Bryan’s parents told him just a bit ago. He was not very happy. He did not want to move to an underwater city. He liked the land. He was comfortable on land. But, unfortunately, he din’t have a choice.

The first place they went once they got underwater was their new home.

“You get first pick on the rooms,” Bryan’s mom told him. “There is one room on the first floor, and three on the second floor.”

Bryan immediately ran to the second floor when they arrived at the house to scope out the rooms. He didn’t like the first floor. He liked being as high as he could get. Bryan picked the biggest room with a view of his school’s playground. As he was looking out the window, his dad walked in.

“You picked a good room,” his dad said. “School starts tomorrow. You should get some sleep. We’ll swim together to school in the morning.”

Bryan did as his dad told him and went to bed. The next morning, they swam together to school. Together, they met his fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Robbins.

“Welcome to Sea School,” Mrs. Robbins greeted Bryan. “You can take a seat in any empty chair.

Bryan said goodbye to his dad and took a seat next to another little boy. Once recess came, Bryan introduced himself to the little boy he sat next to.

“I’m Bryan,” he said. “I’m new.”

“Hi, Bryan. My name is Benji. Do you want to play together at the playground?”

“Yeah!” Bryan exclaimed, excited he made a new friend.

The two of them played soccer at the playground and climbed the monkey bars. After, they were best friends, and Bryan thought that living underwater wasn’t going to be that bad.

Example story #2

Question 1) What is your fictional story about?
Answer: My story is about a little boy who moves to a new home and school underwater.

Question 2) Who are the characters in your story?
Answer: The characters in my story are a little boy named Bryan, his mom and dad, his teacher Mrs. Robbins, and another little boy named Benji.

Question 3) Are there specific settings underwater where your story is set? If so, where?
Answer: Yes, my story is set underwater at a house, school, and playground.

Question 4) Is there one thing about your story that you could change to make it true?
Answer: Yes, if you change the setting from underwater to land, it could possibly be a true story.

Question 5) In your own words, please describe your understanding of the difference between fiction and nonfiction.
Answer: Fiction is not real and nonfiction is real.

Question 6) True or false. A biography is an example of a piece of fiction.
Answer: False.

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